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Video Playback from within an iOS 6 iPhone Application

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Operating System: 

This presents an overview of the MPMoviePlayerController class on how to play a movie within an iOS 6 iPhone application.
The sole purpose of the MPMoviePlayerController is to play video content. It is initialized with the URL of the media to be played (either a path to a local movie file on the device or the URL of network based media).
The movie player view is added as a subview of the current view, configured using a variety of properties and then displayed to the user. The playback window can run in a full screen mode, or embedded in an existing view.
By default, the movie player includes a number of controls that enable the user to manage the playback experience. The exact controls displayed to the user may be configured by setting the movie player’s controlStyle property. Playback may also be controlled from the application code by implementing the methods defined in the MPMediaPlayback protocol.
The MPMoviePlayerController class also employs the target-action model for notifying the application of events such as the movie starting, finishing, being paused, entering and leaving full screen mode etc.
The MPMoviePlayerController class supports the playback of movies of type .mov, .mp4, .mpv and .3gp. In
terms of compression, the class supports H.264 Baseline Profile Level 3.0 and MPEG-4 Part 2 video.

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